Nova Digital

Think digital

About us

About us

We were born amidst the pandemic, answering the call of numerous entrepreneurs with limited resources, lack of time, or expertise to boost their digital presence. Our mission extends further: we aspire to be the technological bridge for those visionaries aiming to expand their products and services in the vast digital world. By partnering with us, you avoid the costs of maintaining a full in-house team, from graphic designers and digital strategists to community managers and photographers. 

We’re here to empower your online business efficiently and cost-effectively!

Our mission

We turn your followers into customers.

Content marketing

Content Marketing is essential for genuinely connecting with your audience. Through valuable content, you strengthen your online community and craft a positive brand image. Its versatility is key: it can boost awareness or turn followers into loyal customers. The impact of well-executed content is unparalleled, allowing your followers to become ambassadors for your brand.

Web design

Web Design encompasses the planning, creation, and maintenance of websites, covering aspects such as interface design, graphics, and user experience. Whether it's for an online store or a customer tracking platform, its purpose is to provide effective digital solutions that enhance user interaction and satisfaction across various business contexts and needs.

Social media marketing

Social Media Marketing is crucial within Inbound Marketing, aligned with strategies like web positioning, Email Marketing, and WhatsApp Business. It involves actions that companies, institutions, or independent professionals take on social networks and blogs to promote products or services. Its primary goal is to establish and strengthen connections with the target audience, using digital platforms to build loyalty and promote engagement.

Graphic design

Comprehensive and versatile, our services span from creating corporate identity to layout design for books and magazines. Specializing in events, we craft impactful graphic images for conferences, seminars, workshops, and presentations. Moreover, we excel in designing packaging, labels, stationery, brochures, posters, and flyers. Each project is tailored to your specific needs and is billed by the hour, ensuring a personalized and efficient approach to enhance your brand or event.

¿Do you have any questions?

If you have questions about which of our packages or services best suits your business, contact us. Tell us about your business, the product or service you want to highlight, and share information about your customers. We’re here to help you find the perfect solution.